Coronary Angiography in India

What is Coronary Angiography?

Angiography is derived from the Greek term ‘angeion’ meaning vessel and ‘graphein’ which means to writ. Angiography or arteriography is a technique of medical imaging where an X-Ray is taken of the heart to visualize the inner opening of the arteries, veins and the four heart chambers, right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium and left ventricle. Angiography or angiogram requires the insertion of a catheter, a thin tube into a peripheral artery.

Coronary Angiography or Coronary Catheterization is a minimally invasive procedure to access the coronary flow and blood chambers of the heart using a catheter. Coronary Catheterization was first introduced in 1950s.


Coronary angiography is a procedure that uses a special dye (contrast material) and x-rays to see how blood flows through the arteries in your heart

Why the Test is Performed

Coronary angiography may be done if you have:
• Angina for the first time
• Angina that is becoming worse, not going away, occurring more often, or happening at rest (called unstable angina)
• Aortic stenosis
• Atypical chest pain, when other tests are normal
• Had an abnormal heart stress test
• To have surgery on your heart and you are at high risk for coronary artery disease
• Heart failure
• Recent heart attack

Need of coronary angiography

  • Coronary angiography can be used to help diagnose heart conditions, help plan future treatments and carry out certain procedures. For example, it may be used:
    • after a heart attack – where the heart’s blood supply is blocked
    • to help diagnose angina – where pain in the chest is caused by a restricted blood supply to the heart
    • to plan interventional or surgical procedures – such as a coronary angioplasty, where narrowed or blocked blood vessels are widened
    Coronary angiography is also considered to be the best method of diagnosing coronary heart disease

Cardiac Catheterization Procedure

  • During Coronary Catheterization a patient’s blood pressure and X-Ray shadowgrams of the blood in the coronary arteries are recorded. To record the X-Ray images, a cardiologist guides a catheter through the large blood arteries till the tip of the catheter reaches the opening of the coronary arteries.

    Catheters are made with a high radio density making it opaque to X-Rays allowing a clearer, blood compatible X-Ray dye to be selectively injected and mixed with the blood flowing in the artery. Without the X-Ray dye, the blood and internal structure of the heart is not clearly visible. The cardiologist activates the equipment to apply cine, a higher X-Ray dose when he/she is ready to record the diagnostic views. The diagnostic views can be saved and studied later.

How long does the Cardiac catheterization procedure take ?

    • Simple Coronary Angiography usually takes about half an hour to complete.
      But following are the conditions during which you need to visit your doctor:

      • Swelling, redness, unusual pain, or infection at the site of insertion.
      • Constant or large amount of bleeding from the site of insertion.
      Coronary Catheterization Facilities
      Hospitals use CT Angiography or Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography, as a non- invasive method to detect blockages in the coronary arteries. 64 slice CT Angio system is used to detect dysfunctions like narrowing of the coronary arteries, soft plaque and fat.

Who should consider Coronary Cardiac CT Angiography ?

    • First and foremost thing for the patient, before thinking of Coronary Cardiac CT Angiography is that he should consult his doctor. Because, the usage of Coronary CTA is quite appropriate and scans during the process from X-ray exposures, there is some risk involved. It is the responsibility of the doctor that he should do careful selection of the patient so that any kind of risk involved, is reduced.

Benefits of Coronary Catheterization

• There are no remains of radiation in the body of the patient after an x-ray examination.
• Due to angiography, the need of surgery may get eliminated. If surgery is necessary then the whole procedure becomes accurate.
• X-rays generally do not have any side effects.

What to Expect After Coronary Angiography ?

After the procedure, the patient is moved to the special care area. Here he is monitored for overnight or a few hours where his movements are kept minimum for avoiding bleeding from the area where the catheter was inserted. At the site of recovery, your heart rate and blood pressure are also checked after regular intervals along with any kind of possible bleeding.
It is also possible that the area where the catheter was inserted, that area might become tender or sore for around a week’s time. A small bruise may also appear on the patient’s arms, upper thigh or neck, near the site of insertion.

Affordable Cost of Coronary Angiography in India at Best Heart Hospital in India.
Coronary Angiography Cost in India: $700 USD

Note: Cost Estimate of Coronary Angiography in India ,above include stay in a Private Room for specific number of days where a companion can stay with the patient, surgeon fee, medicines and consumables, nursing care and food for the patient. More accurate treatment cost estimates can be provided if medical reports are emailed to us or after the patient is examined by doctors after arrival in India and medical tests are done.

Why choose Med Access for Coronary Angiography in India?

  • • Highly qualified and experienced surgeons:
    Choosing a surgeon to perform a heart operation is an important decision. It cannot be stressed enough that experience matters. The more open-heart procedures a doctor have performed, the better they will be.
    Our associate surgeons and surgery teams are leaders in cardiology, cardiac surgery, and cardiothoracic anesthesia and have worked together for years with high volume case loads. They have the experience to anticipate potential problems in the OR before the problems manifest. Please refer to the surgeons profiles.
    • Hospital and Surgical Facility: Choosing the right hospital or medical center in which your surgery will be performed is another important consideration. Our associate hospitals are Center of Excellence and are JCI as well as NAIHO accredited. They offer a comprehensive heart-care program that’s tailored to your individual needs.
    • Hospital’s overall performance:Each of our associate hospitals has performed thousands of heart operations and interventional cardiology procedures Their surgical mortality rate for isolated coronary artery bypass surgery including high risk patients is on par with the best Cardiac centers in the world.

Why should you choose Coronary Angiography Treatment in India?

World Class Cardiac & Cardiothoracic Surgery, Valve Replacement Open & Minimally Invasive Heart surgery in India

Centre of Excellence for Cardiac Surgery in India

• Our state of the art hospitals in India have a 99.5 % success rate of performing most complex cardiac surgeries at the most affordable cost compared to similar modern facilities anywhere in the world.
• Highly Experienced and skilled US/UK Board certified team of heart surgeons and cardiologists work together to provide comprehensive, multidisciplinary care to patients suffering from heart diseases
• State of the art infrastructure, cutting edge technology providing care to patients Our doctors, nurses, technicians and heart experts bring the promise of unparalleled excellence in patient care
• Most Advanced Operation Theatres / Robotic surgery suite – State of the art equipment and monitoring devices necessary to successfully perform complex heart bypass, percutaneous valve surgeries, complex hybrid aortic aneurysm interventions and minimally invasive cardiac operations.

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