Sir Tobias Chikwendu Emeh

You are a very wonderful being, created by God for a wonderful purpose….to help save lives; not as medical personnel per se, but a core professional marketer. How I wished Professor Philip Kotler was to be alive to share some thought worthy moments with you. Nonetheless, you remain an enigma.

I thank almighty God who made me know your organization and your beautiful team. You are all agents of live support because you give the hopeless hope when there seem to be no hope, reprieve where there seem to be none, and lives when the believe in living becomes seriously eroded.

I, Sir Tobias Chikwendu Emeh with my wife, Mrs. Fidelia Ifeyinwa Emeh am beneficiaries of your benevolence. The tonic is too good for main courses. We are very very grateful.

My eyes are open. No visible sign or tosis, and brighter than ever before.

For orthopedic surgeon, his socio-Orthopedic contract with humanity has no elastic limit. Currently, I am undergoing my physiotherapy very religiously. I have even contracted the services of a very good one around.

God’s grace will never depart from you all in Jesus Holy name, Amen! You are all blessed in Jesus name!


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