Heart Treatment India

Heart Treatment In India

The heart is a complex organ and as a result there are a number of areas where your heart that can be damaged. Coronary heart disease is caused by the build up of fatty deposits in the arteries of the heart. This means the heart has to work harder to pump blood through your body. Angina is often caused by coronary heart disease, where the arteries are narrower than they should be. It may result in pain in the chest, but it can also radiate down the arm or across the shoulder blades, neck and even the stomach. Heart valve problems occur when one of the heart’s four valves does not open and close as it should causing blood flow to be disturbed. Heart valves regulate the blood flow through the heart. A healthy heart valve opens and closes quickly to ensure blood flows in the right direction. Cardiac arrhythmia describes an abnormal rate or rhythm of the heart.

Conditions Treated

Why choose Med Access?

  • Highly qualified and experienced surgeons:
    Choosing a surgeon to perform a heart operation is an important decision. It cannot be stressed enough that experience matters. The more open-heart procedures a doctor have performed, the better they will be.
    Our associate surgeons and surgery teams are leaders in cardiology, cardiac surgery, and cardiothoracic anesthesia and have worked together for years with high volume case loads. They have the experience to anticipate potential problems in the OR before the problems manifest. Please refer to the surgeons profiles.
  • Hospital and Surgical Facility: Choosing the right hospital or medical center in which your surgery will be performed is another important consideration. Our associate hospitals are Center of Excellence and are JCI as well as NAIHO accredited. They offer a comprehensive heart-care program that’s tailored to your individual needs.
  • Hospital’s overall performance:Each of our associate hospitals has performed thousands of heart operations and interventional cardiology procedures Their surgical mortality rate for isolated coronary artery bypass surgery including high risk patients is on par with the best Cardiac centers in the world.
  • Med Access Services offer you:
    The choice of highly qualified, experienced and certified experts in Cosmetic Surgery.

The choice of destinations to suit your requirements.

Coordinate all medical correspondence with your selected surgeon.

Prepare detailed cost estimates.

Arrange for medical consultations.

Assist in your preparation for your surgery and accommodation..

Make all necessary bookings.

Accompany you to all your surgery appointments.

Write to us for a Free Expert Opinion and Cost Estimates for specific orthopedic Surgery.

Please scan and email your brief medical history and your medical reports to us.

  • Info@medaccessindia.com
  • enquiry@medaccessindia.com
  • we shall get you a Free, Expert Opinion from India’s leading specialist doctors.

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